Preventive Health Care News

Vardhan, the Union Health Minister, to Focus on Preventive Health Care and Insurance

Vardhan, the Union Health Minister, to Focus on Preventive Health Care and Insurance

The ministry is soon going to implement e-governance systems in all interfaces between the government and citizens Harsh Vardhan, a Lok Sabha memberfRead More

Max Bupa Organizes ‘Walk for Health’ in Delhi and Mumbai

Max Bupa Organizes ‘Walk for Health’ in Delhi and Mumbai

Max Bupa organized ‘Walk for Health’ on October 20, 2013 in Delhi and Mumbai. ‘Walk for Health’ is a preventive health care initiative taken bRead More

Health Care: A Shift from Treatment to Prevention

Health Care: A Shift from Treatment to Prevention

Health insurance is the true saviour when it comes to combating the rising healthcare costs. But it doesn’t work too well when it comes to providingRead More