It's quite a troublesome task to visit the LIC office/branch every time you want to check even the smallest of details related to your LIC policy - be it about premium payments, due dates, or its status. Moreover, with the hectic life schedule, we follow these days, it's easy to forget about the approaching due dates, etc.
Read moreHence, to avoid these circumstances and to prevent your LIC policy from lapsing, you must keep a regular check on the status of your LIC policy. There was a time when you were required to visit LIC branches/offices or contact your agent to get any information on your policy. However, the times are changing; and with the changing time, LIC and its way of working and dealing with its customers have changed, too. These days, LIC offers online as well as mobile services to provide the latest information on the status of your policy.
The new customers can start by filling in the registration form given on LIC’s official website. On this page, you have to provide details like your Date of Birth, Policy Number, your Premium Amount, and your Email Address (the one on which you want to get the notifications and alerts). Once you have entered these details and submitted the registration form, you will receive an automated email on your registered email address to complete the verification process. Once you are done with the verification, you can go ahead and check your policy status.
You can check several details on your LIC online portal such as – your bonuses, premium payments, group schemes, etc. All you have to do is, log on to the LIC website and feed in the required details. To check your policy status, please follow the given steps:
Visit the LIC website and click on the option of ‘Online Services’.
You will be routed to a page where you will be asked to log in. Upon successful login, you need to choose the ‘Registered User’ option.
Enter your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ in the specified fields and click on ‘Go’.
You’ll get a record of tools meant for registered users.
Click on the option of ‘View Enrolled Policies’.
On the next page, you will find a list of all the policies, you’ve enrolled into.
Select the particular policy you want to check the status of.
In case, you are not registered as a LIC user on the company’s official website, you can also use other options to confirm the status of your policy, such as text messaging service (SMS) on your mobile phone. One of the benefits of using this medium is that you don’t have to fret over remembering your username and password. However, make sure to keep your policy number handy before checking its status via SMS.
There are specific SMS codes to check different LIC services:
To check the renewal amount of your LIC policy, you can use the SMS code ASKLIC REVIVAL.
To get an idea of your installment premium, you can type and send ASKLIC PREMIUM.
To know the loan amount available against your LIC policy, you can send the SMS code ASKLIC LOAN.
In case, you are looking for additional riders available with your plan, the SMS code used will be ASKLIC BONUS.
To check if the nomination option is available with the plan or not, use the SMS code ASKLIC NOM.
To check the status of your IPP policy, you can type and send the SMS code ASKLIC STAT.
To get information on your Last Annuity Released Date, type and send ASKLIC ANNPD.
The due existence certificate can be checked by sending ASKLIC ECDUE.
To get any information related to the return of your policy, use the code ASKLIC CHQRET.
The amount for the annuity cheque can be checked by sending the code ASKLIC AMOUNT.
LIC has also introduced an IVRS service to help its customers check the status of their policy anytime and anywhere. You simply have to dial their UAN (Universal Access Number) and get in touch with their customer service department, where the representatives will help you check your LIC policy status over the phone.
You can also visit their regional branches & zonal offices that have been classified into 8 different zones, namely Eastern Zone, Western Zone, Southern Zone, Northern Zone, Central Zone, West Central Zone, East Central Zone, North Central Zone, and South Central Zone.
Keeping a regular check on your LIC policy status will help you track its progress as well as prevent your policy from lapsing, in case you weren’t able to make the premium payment on time. Tracking policy status also becomes more important because almost every second service related to your LIC policy is dependent upon its status, such as your premium due date information, the status of your claim or loan, revival quote, accumulated bonus, etc.
Getting access to the LIC online portal and the SMS services will ease your worry about forgetting important dates and will also help you save a lot of time as you won’t have to keep on visiting LIC offices or agents, to get your hands on the smallest of details.
*All savings are provided by the insurer as per the IRDAI approved insurance plan. Standard T&C Apply
^Trad plans with a premium above 5 lakhs would be taxed as per applicable tax slabs post 31st march 2023
+Returns Since Inception of LIC Growth Fund
~Source - Google Review Rating available on:-
++Returns are 10 years returns of Nifty 100 Index benchmark
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