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In the last few years, the context of work and the workplace has changed drastically. As people all around the world have evolved during the pandemic, it is important to evolve the employee wellness program as well. After the covid-19 outbreak, employees have started taking their health-related matters seriously and it is suggested to the companies that they prioritize their employee wellness and create a program that fits their requirements.
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Many employers have the one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to offering group health insurance policies. Humans are evolving day by day and in recent years we have seen one of the worst periods of our lifetime, (Pandemic). We as humans should be proud of ourselves as we have adapted through something like this.
Hence, employers need to understand that a one-size-fits-all approach is not enough now. They need to understand that every employee has a particular requirement when it comes to their health and lifestyle. In an attempt to have a wider approach, they should have a unique and personalized approach to creating an employee wellness program. This will not only benefit the employee but also the company’s workforce for the better.
It is suggested to the companies to integrate the wellness program faster as it takes time to see the impact it has caused. For starters, the integration of the wellness program benefits the company as it eventually helps in decreasing absenteeism and has a positive impact on the culture of the company.
However, what stops the employees to be a part of wellness programs include time limitations, insufficient incentives, inconvenient locations and lack of interest. Old organizations and their experts in the wellness field can identify these barriers and make employees participate by making them believe that their efforts will not go unawarded.
The cost of providing a wellness program depends upon how much an organization is willing to spend on its employees. However, the government provides investment returns to the companies that offer group health insurance plans to their employees and in order to get the highest return on investments, organizations can strategize accordingly to achieve the pre-defined goal.
There is a cost-effective option that has been gaining popularity is a paid wellness platform. This platform lets the employees access the platform through a website or mobile app to view the material related to the wellness program and manage their incentives.
To be a part of a wellness program, employees need to provide their personal information related to health and lifestyle. Since employers have to collect this kind of data to provide the needed solution to the employees, the employees naturally get concerned about the anonymity of the data that could put their image and employment at risk.
If the employer is sharing an employee’s data with a third-party wellness program provider then it is their responsibility to make sure that the third party is following all the security protocols.
In the post-pandemic era, employees have become very careful about their health and lifestyle. In order to attract talented employees and retain the old and good ones, the employers have to make sure that they provide a designed employee wellness program that fulfills all the needs of the employees in the company with a smooth experience that also keeps the anonymity of the employee's data related to health and lifestyle.
Group Health Insurance Premium Calculator
Who do you want to insure?
Minimum lives should be 7
Include maternity coverage
Wellness At Work
Benefits of group health insurance