What is an Increased Sum Assured Plan?
Your responsibilities increase as you age. Your income, expenses, and liabilities increase over time. However, the life coverage you selected at plan start may not be sufficient.
An increasing term insurance plan is a unique policy where the sum assured increases every year by a fixed amount. This feature helps to keep inflation in check. So, you can sleep peacefully at night knowing that your family is protected at all times with appropriate life cover.
Working of a Term Insurance Plan with Increasing Payout
We can explain to you about a term Insurance policy with increasing payout all day. However, the best way to understand this plan is by a real-life example. So, mentioned below is a real-life case where the sum assured increments with time:
Let's say Rahul is 40 years old and purchases a term plan with incremented payout with a sum assured of Rupees 20 lakhs. The tenure is 30 years. The policy includes a 5% increment on the base sum assured (at the time of policy purchase). This increment is applicable every year and the maximum increase is 200% on the based sum assured amount.
Let's see how the increase in sum assured will happen over the next few years:
SA as Applicable
1st Year
20 Lakh Rupees
2nd Year
21 Lakh Rupees
3rd Year
22 Lakh Rupees
4th Year
23 Lakh Rupees
5th Year
24 Lakh Rupees
6th Year
25 Lakh Rupees
7th Year
26 Lakh Rupees
8th Year
27 Lakh Rupees
9th Year
28 Lakh Rupees
10th Year
29 Lakh Rupees
11th Year
30 Lakh Rupees
12th Year
31 Lakh Rupees
13th Year
32 Lakh Rupees
14th Year
33 Lakh Rupees
15th Year
34 Lakh Rupees
16th Year
35 Lakh Rupees
17th Year
36 Lakh Rupees
18th Year
37 Lakh Rupees
19th Year
38 Lakh Rupees
20th Year
39 Lakh Rupees
21st-30th Year
40 Lakh Rupees
Note that there will be no increase in the sum assured amount from year 22 onwards. This is because the maximum permissible amount increase is Rupees 40 Lakhs which was reached at the end of year number 21. If Rahul, unfortunately, passes away during year number 15, his nominee would receive Rupees 34 Lakhs as a death benefit instead of Rupees 20 Lakhs during policy purchase.
However, if Rahul passes away any time after year number 21, the maximum permissible sum assured (Rupees 40 Lakhs) will be paid to the nominee.
Note: It is suggested to calculate the term plan premium on the term insurance calculator online tool by Policybazaar before buying the plan.
Features of a Term Insurance Policy with Increasing Payout
The coverage increments every year, but the premiums paid under the plan are usually constant throughout their tenure. Calculation of premiums is done in advance to account for the corresponding increase in sum assured. This ensures that premiums remain uniform.
The premiums paid in the first years are usually higher than necessary to compensate for the increased sum assured. Note that the premiums for increasing term plans are higher compared to a decreasing or level term plan.
As stated previously, the sum assured increases each year. Some plans have a maximum increase in the sum assured. The increment ceases after that limit, even if the plan tenure is continued. The sum assured increases as a specific percentage of an absolute amount. The percentage in sum assured increase is stated in advance and remains the same throughout the term.
As with normal term life insurance, increasing term plans pay only a death benefit. The death benefit amount is the amount assured (after an increase) at the beginning of the policy year when the life insured died. Most increasing term insurance plans pay a lump-sum benefit upon death.
However, some new plans offer a monthly income payout. These plans pay the death benefit in a combination of lump sums and monthly or annual incomes, or entirely in monthly incomes for a specific tenure following the insured's death.
These are add-ons to an existing policy to enhance its benefits. Riders are available for an extra small premium. Common riders available on many increasing sum assured policies include:
- Waiver of premium rider: Under this rider eliminates future premiums, but the plan will continue if the life insurance policyholder is disabled or dies due to an accident.
- Critical illness rider: This rider covers the additional amount if the life insurance policyholder is diagnosed with any critical illnesses listed in the policy contract.
- Accidental death and disability rider: This rider provides additional protection in the event of death or disability during the plan's tenure.
Benefits of a Term Plan with Increased Sum Assured
When you decide to purchase a term policy with increasing payouts, you get the below-mentioned benefits:
Meets Your Family's Monetary Needs
You have very few responsibilities if you're not married. However, your responsibilities increase as you start a family after marriage. You need to plan for your child's school and college fees, your retirement, your debts, and your assets.
In such a case, your sum assured should increase as your financial obligations grow. An increasing term policy that increases the sum assured over time can help you meet your family's financial requirements over time.
Keeps Up with Inflation Rates
You need a life cover that keeps up with inflation as it continues to rise slowly but steadily each year. A term insurance plan that increases in sum assured value each year is an excellent way to protect your family from the heat of rising expenses. It will also give you peace of mind that you have covered all the bases for your family.
Tax Benefits
An increasing term policy also helps you save taxes, similar to a decreasing or level term plan. You can save taxes on the premiums you pay, up to Rupees 1.5 lakhs per financial year. The death benefit under the plan is also exempt from tax. Also, the plan does not have a limit on how much tax-free benefits you can have.
Justified Rates
The best aspect about an increasing term plan is that the premium rates are justified. Even though coverage increases over time, the premiums remain the same and don't put too much strain on your pocket.
When to Choose a Term Insurance Policy with Increasing Payout?
If you're young and anticipate your responsibilities will increase in the coming years, an increasing term plan might be ideal. You would get more coverage to cover your future obligations as you age. So, evaluate your needs, employment, and family requirements. If you think an increasing term plan could benefit your family, why think twice before buying it?
Next, you may wonder if any plan providers in India offer the increasing term plan. Yes, there are many! Below is a list of some of the insurers who offer an increasing term plan:
Plan Name
Maximum Permissible SA
Percentage Increment in the SA Amount
Unique Features
SBI Life eShield Plan
Rs.20 lakhs and above
10% simple rate of increase in the sum assured after every 5 policy years
2 Plan choices plus Accidental Death Benefit
Birla Sun Life Protector Plus Plan
Rs.30 lakhs and above
5% or 10% simple rate of increase in the sum assured at the start of every year
A complementary Permanent & Total Disability Benefit can be availed
You can avail of death benefits in equal amounts.
There are multiple riders to expand the coverage scope.
SBI Life Smart Shield
Rs.25 lakhs and above
5% simple rate of increase in the sum assured at the start of every year
Justified premiums + great discounts
Three elective riders for increased protection
Birla Sun Life Insurance Protect @ Ease
Rs.30 lakhs and above
5% or 10% simple rate of increase in the sum assured at the start of every year
You can increase the SA during childbirth and marriage.
Multiple riders to expand the coverage scope.
You can avail of this plan on a joint-life basis.
Disclaimer: Policybazaar does not endorse, rate, or recommend any particular insurer or insurance product offered by an insurer.
*All savings are provided by the insurer as per the IRDAI approved insurance plan. Standard T&C apply.
Note: Know what is term insurance first and then buy a term plan for your loved ones.
The Correct Way to Purchase an Increasing Term Plan
Online purchase of an increasing term plan can be made through the websites of different insurance companies. Note that to purchase this term policy, you must be at least 18 years old and not older than 60.
Moreover, your Insurer will require you to provide your KYC and any other documentation required to purchase this policy. Also, the surrender and maturity benefits are subject to policies terms and conditions.
Final Word
Inflation rises every year, so do your family's financial requirements. You don't want to compromise on their risk cover. So, make an informed decision by buying an increasing term plan that will provide apt risk protection against uncertainties in the future.
Note: Check all the best term insurance plan in India.
Note: You should also check the benefits of term life insurance if you are planning to purchase the term insurance plan.