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Do any member(s) have any existing illnesses for which they take regular medication?
When did you recover from Covid-19?
Some plans are available only after a certain time
I bought a health insurance plan for my wife who is expecting as it gives comprehensive care to pregnant... women and also cover for the newborn baby. I would recommend you all to go it.
Read moreSA
I bought the manipal cigna health insurance plan with 2 year validity and I needed to renew that plan so I... decided to do it from policybazaar and I must say it was so easy that it took me a few minutes to do it.
Read moreAB
It is a good idea to get yourself insured while going through this deadly pandemic. It is in your hands only... and you can do it sitting at your home and insure your family’s health. I found it through policybazaar and bought Manipal Cigna Corona Kavach policy. Thanks team
Read moreHI
I was looking for a health insurance plan online for my family. I went through many websites but they... didn’t have everything at one place but then I came on to Policybazaar’s website and suddenly it was so easy to explore and I was even able to explore all kinds of health insurance policies at one place. Great work.
Read morePA
During lockdown I got Manipal Cigna health plan and even got my 4 months old child covered in the policy. I... was able to make payment online for my Manipal Cigna Pro-health insurance policy online
Read moreGI
I was so afraid, but your team gave me a health plan that covers almost all the diseases. I got tired and... couldn’t find anything. But you saved my time and effort. You guys are awesome.
Read morePA
I am so happy and relaxed with the financial cover Manipal Cigna health plans provide. It was Policybazaar... who helped me buy this critical illness plan. Thank you!
Read moreSH
It is so easy to compare critical illness plans on my phone. It is only you guys who can make insurance... purchase such an easy task.
Read morePU
I got my claims settled in 3-4 days and was able to utilize the amount for the treatment. Claim is processed... quickly, and hospitalization is so smooth. It is so simple and convenient.
Read moreGA
I got the best health policy from Policybazaar. I compared Manipal Cigna plans coverage for life threatening... diseases like kidney failure, heart ailments, tumor, cancer etc.
Read moreBA
The cancellation process of my health insurance policy which I purchased through policybazaar.com is not as... easy as purchase. Even though the customer support is always there to help but we need to take their help at every cancellation step. So, this is not as smooth and satisfying as purchasing a policy is.
Read moreAY
If you are thinking to purchase a health insurance policy then take the help of policybazaar.com, they... provide the best advice. With their help I opted Manipal Cigna Health Insurance which is the best policy for me and my family as I purchased their family floater plan.
Read moreRA
I purchased a Manipalcigna health insurance plan and it comes with great benefits and also have a brilliant... hospital network. I feel pretty much relaxed with this plan as it offers me many benefits and keeps me tension free.
Read moreNE
Policybazaar is the best broker when it comes to satisfying a customer looking for health insurance plan as... well as any insurance plan. They make sure that the customer is satisfied to its core and finds the best plan for you.
Read moreME
Policybazaar helped me find a health insurance plan that came in my budget and gives me handful of benefits... when it comes to hospitalization and health check-ups. Manipalcigna pro health insurance plan does it for me. Thanks team.
Read moreKR
I bought manipalcigna Prohealth protect and I get cover for almost everything and the premiums are very less.... I get a private AC room in hospital and guaranteed 5% increase in sum insured.
Read moreRA
Policybazaar gives your endless options when you’re looking for any kind of insurance policy. I ended up... buying Manipalcigna health insurance plan. Also, Policybazaar keeps me updated with all the process. Thanks
Read moreSH
I simply searched for Manipalcigna health insurance policy on Policybazaar online and there was a whole page... showing me different plans with quotes and I bought the policy in a few minutes. Thanks
Read moreAV
Filing a claim against your insurance policy is one of the most difficult steps according to me, but... policybazzar made this easy for me. I used their app to file a claim for my Manipal Cigna Health Insurance policy and did this easily and quickly. Without much hassle, I got the reimbursement of my claim amount.
Read moreBA
I was in search of a health insurance plan that provides me comprehensive coverage but at affordable price... and policybazaar did this job for me. They provided one of the most suitable health insurance policies for me that is Manipal Cigna Health Insurance. After comparing some health plans as per my requirements, they suggested this health insurance plan which is as per my expectations.
Read morePO
Policybazaar’s website is good but the app they developed is not that simple and fast. The response time is... little slow and I found the app little sluggish. The company must work on the app and make it more responsive. Rest everything is good. I selected the most useful health insurance plan of Manipal Cigna from it.
Read moreCH
Health insurance is need of an hour and if you purchase it at this time when pandemic is at its peak, you... have to give the highest premium. However, this is not the case with policybazaar. They suggest the most suitable plan at most affordable price. Overall, not superb but a decent experience with them so far.
Read moreEK
The customer support team of policybazaar is not the best, I can say, but it is nice and reliable. They... suggest you the best solution and do not bother you again and again to purchase a plan form them. So, I can give them 3 starts.
Read moreJA
The policybazaar app is helpful app as you can check the stuatus of your policy from there. Moreover, it... provides various information related to your policy such as renewals, new suitable insurance policies and many other things related to your policy.
Read moreJU
Policybazaar is a great website for my health insurance needs and I bought a Manipal Cigna health insurance... policy from them. It has great features and I added some of the add on benefits. Thank you team.
Read moreGA
The payment process of the policybazaar is easy and well-flourished. I made the payment online and it was... transparent in nature. It was done in a minute and everything was done in great way. Thank you.
Read moreEN
While renewing my policy online through policybazaar app, I got a little confused. So, I called the customer... support of policybazaar. The customer support representative was very helpful and guided me throughout the purchase process. Thanks again for great help!
Read moreLA
The policy purchase experience through policybazaar was nice and I really appreciate the understandable steps... that helped me to purchase the policy easily.
Read moreKA
I gave myself 2 minutes and searched for a health plan and bumped into the website of the policybazaar. I... took a health insurance policy for me and my wife. It is really simple process and unique website. Thanks team.
Read moreAA
It is really very easy to buy a health insurance policy from the policybazaar. I have gone through and... checked various health plans and finally my eye stick on Manipal Cigna health insurance policy. It is a reliable plan and I really love it. All thanks to team policybazaar.
Read moreNI
There is a premium calculator available in the website of policybazaar from where I checked various quotes... and plans related to health insurance policy. I compared various plans by checking the quotes and the plans at one site and got my one of the greatest plans of health. Thank you policybazaar.
Read moreKU
My health insurance policy was issued to me on time. I bought the health insurance policy from the website of... the policybazaar. I have taken the health insurance policy online and I got my health insurance soft copy in next 10 minutes. Thank you so much to whole team of policybazaar.
Read moreNA
There is no paper work required when I bought the ManipalCigna health insurance policy from the policybazaar.... The whole process is much easy and hassle-free. I sent my all documents on online basis and on that I got my health insurance plan. Thank you so much to whole team of policybazaar.
Read moreDE
The customer support team of policybazaar is really good. I have got a genuine help from them when I called... their customer care support team. I got to know about various top-ups health insurance plans. And thus the customer care team provided me with detailed information. Kudos to team policybazaar.
Read moreAK
I have found one of the good plans related to health insurance policy into the website of the policybazaar.... They have provided with great information and which has made my life easier to select the best health insurance policy ever. Thank you so much to whole team of policybazaar.
Read moreSH
I have taken the Manipal Cigna health insurance policy from the policybazaar and it has provided with great... features at one place. Also, I got the health insurance policy in less than 10 minutes. It was quick and hassle-free. Thank you policybazaar.
Read moreAA
Very good follow up and service from head customer care...
The heath insurance plan is very much needed. I have purchased it from ManipalCigna insurance company ltd.... which is really very good insurance company. The services are fast and on time, so waiting in long queues.
Read moreGA
Nowadays, Health insurance policy is very much in need. The insurance plan i have is very simple and easy to... get. ManipalCigna insurance company is the one which gives all the service at very low price. It cover maximum cases and claims are simple to get by the service of the executives.
Read morePR
Premium of my health insurance is less but the returns which i get is very big. Ambulance is facilitate for... free at any location. Policy coverage and claims are sanctioned easily. Service provided by the executives is fast. A large number of hospitals make easy to get treatments.
Read moreKA
Great health insurance given by cigna insurance company. Policy premium is less and returns are high. Service... provided by you guys is fantastic and on time too. Claims are high and policy coverage is high. Updates are mailed about insurance policy and the renewals are easy to pay through online portal service.
Read moreRE
Cigna health insurance plan i choose and buy it in very low premiums. The policy coverage is good approx. 89%... and the claims are easy to cleared. The service is speedy and the online portal service is very impressive. It gives easy renewals and updates of the insurance policy.
Read moreMA
My colleague suggested me a health plan, i purchased cigna health insurance plan which is very awesome plan... in low investments. Large number of hospitals working for on time treatments. Ambulance is facilitate for free of cost at any location.
Read moreSU
I have health insurance policy and it is good in many ways like low premiums and claims are high which is... easily sanctioned. Service is fantastic provided by staff members. Policy covers maximum expenditure and good number of hospitals are there for fast service.
Read moreAL
The health insurance plan is must in this unsafe days. The policy provide great benefits for the policyholder... in low premiums. The service is fantastic which is given by members of the company. Ambulance is there for free and huge figure of hospitals are the positive points. Good health insurance.
Read moreKA
My health insurance policy plan is with ManipalCigna insurance company. Policy covers almost all cases and... the claiming part is easy and clear in short time period. Hospitals are providing ambulance and the billing is done by policy, it means no extra charges will pay. Fantastic work guys.
Read moreVI
I took health insurance policy plan from ManipalCigna insurance company. Policy coverage is 60% and the... claims are 1.6L after 1year. Premium is low and the returns are high. Service is good and the executives are respond quickly with nice behaviour.
Read moreAM
ManipalCigna insurance company has good coverage approx. 70% and the claims are high with low investments.... Services is very fine and on time maximum times. I'm happy to purchase health insurance policy plan from you guys. Nice work...
Read moreSI
I had health insurance policy plan which i purchase from ManipalCigna insurance company. Policy coverage,... claims are high and the premiums are low. Ambulance don't take charges for pick and drop the patient. Service is very quick with fast service. Nice work executives and co-workers.
Read moreVA
I purchase health insurance policy plan which is really nice but the only thing is that the policy coverage... is not good. Even the ambulance is facilitate for free. Claims are high approx. Rs.2.4 L. Please, ManipalCigna insurance company improve your policy coverage.
Read moreRA
I found the health insurance policy plan which is very simple and easy to but. Thanks, ManipalCigna insurance... company. Policy coverage is 70% and the claims are around 2L. Hospitals are in good range and the hospitality is also good. Nice work team.
Read morePR
ManipalCigna insurance company is provided me the health insurance policy plan. Plan is an average one with... low premiums and low returns. Policy coverage is 70% and the claims are around 1.9 L and it is easily cleared because of the good services provided by the executives.
Read moreNA
My health insurance policy plan is good and the ManipalCigna insurance company provide wide range of... benefits. Policy coverage is 80% and the investment is low. Service is bit slow but the number of hospitals are very high. Claiming is also easy because of services provided by executives.
Read moreAN
Policy i have is good and the premium is low. Policy coverage is high and the claims are even better.... Ambulance is provided for free of any charges. Thanks, ManipalCigna insurance company for such a great health insurance policy plan. Service is slow but manageable.
Read moreHA
My policy is very poor in all fields. I Purchase health insurance policy plan from ManipalCigna insurance... company. Policy have return very less amount and the policy coverage is negligible. So, don't expect the service on time or any quick response.
Read moreSH
I buy health insurance policy plan from ManipalCigna insurance company. The plan is great and have great... benefits like policy coverage is high and the premiums are low. Claims are ~Rs.2.9 L. Claiming procedure is easy due to fast service from executives. Good plan good work.
Read moreP
My health insurance policy plan is with ManipalCigna insurance company which has all the good things except... policy coverage. It covers 40% cases but the claims are better then coverage approx. 1.7 L. Service provided by you guys are superb and fast. Hospitals are also in good range.
Read moreMA
i have health insurance policy plan with ManipalCigna insurance company. Policy coverage and claims are high... and the the investment is low. Returns are huge ~Rs.3 L. And the ambulance is provided from door steps to the hospital and then home. Huge number of hospitals are there for serve the patient.
Read moreLA
I got my health insurance policy plan from ManipalCigna insurance company. Policy coverage is high and the... premiums are low. Services are fast and even ambulance is provided without taking any charges. Claims are high approx. 1.9 L rupees. Number of hospitals are working under your projects.
Read moreOM
I own health insurance policy plan from ManipalCigna insurance company. Policy coverage is 80% and the the... claims are around 1.2 lakhs rupees. Ambulance is taking charges for providing the service. Service is fast and on time. Good work guys.
Read moreJO
I bought health policy plan, policy have low investments but the returns are high. ManipalCigna insurance... company provides fast service and work is completed on time. Claims are around ~Rs.3 lakhs. Nice job team, i like it.
Plan Name: ProHealth Plus SB
Agent Code: BPW01013
I have ManipalCigna health insurance. Really great plan with low premiums and the policy coverage is high.... Claims are easily sanctioned due to the awesome service provided by the executives. Ambulance is also facilitate for free.
Plan Name: ProHealth Plus SB
Agent Code: BPW01187
Finally got the health insurance from ManipalCigna Insurance Company. 80-90% coverage and claims are given in... within one week. Great experience with you. Really happy with your services. Keep doing this great work.
Plan Name: ProHealth Plus SB
Agent Code: BBE06845
My Company offers me ManipalCigna health insurance. It covers my all family. I pay less premium but my cover... is enough to safeguard my family in odd time. I have checked ManipalCigna insurance and found that it have number of cashless hospitals in my city.
Plan Name:ProHealth Plus SB
Agent Code:BBE06845
I hold a ManipalCigna health insurance policy. It covers my whole family and I need to pay premium on yearly... basis. Coverage is good and it will cover about 3.5 lakh to 4 lakh. They have good number of known hospitals.
Plan Name:ProHealth Protect SB
Agent Code:BPW01187
ManipalCigna health insurance was suggested by my friend and I bought it 6 month back. I have claimed it for... heart attack. Under ManipalCigna insurance you need to pay initially and later you can claim through company, as I have done in my case. While talking with customer care I came to know that ManipalCigna does not provide insurance for dental and cosmetic surgeries. Paper work is less and claim was hassle free.
Read moreAK
Health insurance is essential for managing medical expenses, but
Read moreHealth insurance plays a crucial role in providing financial
Read moreHealth insurance provides a financial shield against planned and
Read moreIn today's fast-paced world, changing lifestyles have led to a
Read moreThe world experienced a crisis of a lifetime in 2020, with the
Read moreEvery medical insurance plan comes with a few terms & conditions, and the waiting period is one of them. A
Read moreAyushman Bharat Yojana is a flagship health insurance scheme launched by the Government of India to offer universal
Read moreSenior citizens are the most prone to diseases. Considering the medical inflation in India, buying health insurance
Read moreHaving a health insurance policy is not a choice but a necessity today. It ensures the right health coverage for you
Read moreInsurance
Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited CIN: U74999HR2014PTC053454 Registered Office - Plot No.119, Sector - 44, Gurugram - 122001, Haryana Tel no. : 0124-4218302 Email ID: enquiry@policybazaar.com
Policybazaar is registered as a Composite Broker | Registration No. 742, Registration Code No. IRDA/ DB 797/ 19, Valid till 09/06/2027, License category- Composite Broker
Visitors are hereby informed that their information submitted on the website may be shared with insurers.Product information is authentic and solely based on the information received from the insurers.
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