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Policybazaar suggested me some of the great health insurance plans as per my needs. Thanks, policybazaar.com.
I bought a Universal Sompo Complete Healthcare Insurance Privilege plan through policybazaar.com. After... providing a list of health insurance policies as per my requirements, I selected this one as it is most suitable for me.
Read moreHI
I bought Universal Sompo Health Insurance policy after getting a suggestion from a customer support... executive, who gave me a call when I provided my details on their website while searching for a suitable plan for me. His suggestion helped me to make the best decision.
Read moreGA
I renewed my Universal Sompo Complete Healthcare Insurance Basic policy online through the Policybazaar.com... website. I want to mention here that the renewal process was smooth. I was scared about online payment, but it was also safe and secure.
Read moreFA
The customer support executives of policybazaar.com are knowledgeable. I called their support team twice and... let me tell you both the times they resolved my queries with knowledge. One time I called to get to know the inclusions of my plan and the next time it was for claim settlement. I was satisfied with both the times.
Read moreVI
A plan – Universal Sompo Complete Healthcare Insurance Basic is what I wanted. It provides me satisfactory... inclusions. Thanks policybazaar.com for suggesting me this policy.
Read moreSA
A health insurance policy of Universal Sompo that I selected is Complete Healthcare Insurance Essential. It... is affordable for me and provides needed coverage.
Read moreSH
You can consider policybazaar.com for suggesting you a health insurance policy. I relied on them and got the... best suggestion of Universal Sompo Health Insurance.
Read moreME
I purchased a Universal Sompo Complete Healthcare Insurance Privilege plan with the help of policybazaar.com.... I want to say that not only the policy I selected is amazing, but the service of policybazaar.com is also the best. Thanks, policybazaar.com.
Read moreRE
I bought the Universal Sompo Health Insurance policy from Policybazaar’s website two-years back. I wanted... 13 relationships covered in the same plan, so this one suited me. I am very happy with the automatic restoration benefit. Good policy!
Read moreHA
I had prchased health insurance and maid a claim . i have received superior service for customer service team.
I purchase universal sompo health insurance policy plan and the plan is great with huge benefits. Policy... coverage is 90%, claims are high approx. Rs.2.8 lakhs. Service is quick and always on time. Ambulance is also provided without taking any charges.
Plan Name: Universal Sompo Individual Basic
Agent Code: BPW01735
I got a health policy with Star Health Insurance. They provided the best policy I ever seen and the customer... service is the best. Claims are easy to get and the coverage is 80-85%. I must say guys good job. Happy to get this great deal...
Plan Name: Universal Sompo Individual Essential
Agent Code: BPW01735
I came to know about Universal Sompo health insurance by an advertisement. It had tied up with 14-15 major... hospitals in my area. Universal Sompo general health insurance covers all medical expense. And best part is that they also send reminder of my premium so that I get full benefit of it.
Plan Name:Univerdal Sompo Indiviual Essential
Agent Code:BPW01676
I purchased a health plan from Universal Sompo Insurance Company for my parents because it is good and cheap... as well. But, the customer care service is the worst. I would recommend Bajaj Allianz to my friends who have low budget.
Plan Name:Univerdal Sompo Indiviual Basic
Agent Code:BPW01735
I bought Universal Sompo Health Insurance Policy when I was advised by my friend. It has been two years since... then, I am very happy with their service and I had claimed it once.
Plan Name:Universal Sompo Individual Basic
Agent Code:BPW01676
I have purchased Universal Sompo Health insurance policy. This is provided by my employer. It gives me... coverage of Rs 2 lakh for my family. I have heard about positive response during claim. All over process was hassle free and easy.
Plan Name:Univerdal Sompo Indiviual Basic
Agent Code:BPW01676
I am having the health insurance policy with the Univerdal Sompo Indiviual Basic from the last two years of... time. It has been provided by my employer, also the medical coverage value is around 10 lakh Rupees which inclusive of myself and my family. It will go via mediassist and every interaction will be with them only. I'm happy with policy which providing me good service and coverages.
Plan Name:Univerdal Sompo Indiviual Basic
Agent Code:BPW01735
The service provided was good with Universal Sompo General Insurance based on the health Insurance service.... They do ask confirmation to the customer before processing the request which was good. They do have cashless facility available in the Insurance. I have to pay around Rs9000 as a premium for the Insurance. I have to pay a coverage amount around Rs3Lakhs in the Insurance. Allover good policy and services.
Plan Name: Univerdal Sompo Indiviual Essentia
Agent Code: BPW01735
My health insurance policy has been taken from Universal Sompo General Insurance. I undergone an accident... which got covered by company and in future also I need to re operate it, so I stick with them. The services are good with them and I am paying around Rs8000 as the premium and the total insured value is around Rs3 lakh.
Plan Name: Univerdal Sompo Indiviual Essential
Agent Code: BPW01735
It is a corporate health insurance from Universal Sompo General insurance. The services are good from them.... Though I have not had a claim experience yet. The coverage is good. It is for my family and myself. The premium is renewed by my employer. They have a tie up with a good net work of hospitals.
Plan Name: Univerdal Sompo Indiviual Basic
Agent Code: BPW01676
Universal Sompo health insurance has many terms and conditions. A policy holder needs to be admitted in... hospital for more than 24 hours, I order to get full benefit of reliance health insurance. I bought money back guaranteed plan. The premium is moderate and coverage is only for me.
Plan Name:Univerdal Sompo Indiviual Essential
Agent Code:BET01306
Health insurance plays a crucial role in providing financial
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Read moreHaving a health insurance policy is not a choice but a necessity today. It ensures the right health coverage for you
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