List of IFSC Code, MICR Code and Addresses of all Banks in India

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IFSC Codes By Popular Banks

HDFC New Delhi IFSC Code

Bank: HDFC Bank

IFSC Code: HDFC0001563

MICR Code: 110240179

Branch: Connaught Circus

District: New Delhi

State: Delhi

Address: K 2, Chaudhary Bldgs. Middle Circus, Connaught Place, New Delhi

HDFC Karnataka IFSC Code

Bank: HDFC Bank

IFSC Code: HDFC0002852

MICR Code: 110240313

Branch: Cyber City

District: Gurgaon

State: Haryana

Address: DLF Building Number 9b, Ground Floor, DLF Phase 2, Gurgaon

HDFC Maharastra IFSC Code

Bank: HDFC Bank

IFSC Code: HDFC0000159

MICR Code: 400240031

Branch: Andheri West - Lokhandwala

District: Greater Mumbai

State: Maharashtra

Address: G/1, Woodrose, Swami Samarth Nagar, Lokhandwala Complex

HDFC West Bengal IFSC Code

Bank: HDFC Bank

IFSC Code: HDFC0000515

MICR Code: 700240027

Branch: Kolkata - Baguihati

District: Kolkata

State: West Bengal

Address: H/J 2, Rajarhat Road, Jora Mandir, Baguihati, Kolkata, West Bengal

HDFC Bank IFSC Code: HDFC MICR Code & Addresses in India

HDFC Bank IFSC Codes

HDFC IFSC Code, which is an 11-digit code composed of both alphabets and numbers, is assigned by RBI to all banks for facilitating NEFT, RTGS and IMPS transfer. An IFSC code has three parts- first four characters stand for the bank’s name, the 5th character is always 0 and the last six characters identify the branch. For example, HDFC Bank IFSC code for Delhi CP branch is HDFC0000003. The first four letters denote the bank, which is HDFC, followed by the fifth character which is zero and the remaining six characters which denote the exact branch address. Similarly, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi branch code is HDFC0000011, and Greater Kailash, New Delhi branch code is HDFC0000027. HDFC Bank IFSC Code is a must if the beneficiary’s account is with HDFC. IFSC helps in distinguishing the sender and receiver during an online transaction.

How to Find Your HDFC Bank IFSC and MICR Codes?

Someone who is looking for HDFC Bank IFSC code of any HDFC branch can easily find it online. It can be obtained not only from the official website of HDFC but also from some intermediary websites. Also, you can find the IFSC of your home branch printed on your chequebook. If you can’t find your chequebook or passbook, you can utilise the drop-down menu given on the top of this page, and find the HDFC Bank IFSC Code for any branch. Just fill in the required details and it will show you the IFSC code along with MICR code of a particular HDFC bank branch.

How to Transfer Fund Using HDFC Bank NEFT, RTGS and IMPS?

HDFC ensures safe financial transaction to any bank branch across the country. For a secure transaction, one can use NEFT, RTGS and IMPS. However, to perform such a transaction, you must have the IFSC Code of the recipient bank branch. IFSC makes online transaction safe and easy.

National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)

National Electronic Funds Transfer ensures a hassle-free and convenient online fund transaction. However, HDFC has fixed a time schedule for such transactions. The account holder has to adhere to a daily transaction limit of up to Rs. 10 lakh.

Timing for National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)

Banking Hours

Net Banking Schedule

Monday to Friday- working hours only

Monday to Friday: 6 in the evening

Saturday, excluding 2nd and 4th Saturday- working hours

Saturday, excluding 2nd and 4th Saturday- 6 in the evening


Charges Applicable to Various NEFT Transactions



Up to Rs. 10,000

Rs. 2.5 per transaction, exclusive tax

Rs. 10,001 to Rs. 1,00,000

Rs. 5 per transaction, exclusive tax

Rs. 1,00,000 to 2, 00,000

Rs. 15 per transaction, exclusive tax

Rs. 2 lakh and more

Rs. 25 per transaction, exclusive tax


Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)

RTGS or Real Time Gross Settlement is a super-fast money transferring method. The transfer is done in real time. These transactions offer faster settlement cycles because of the absence of a clearinghouse. The sum is transferred within 30 minutes of initiation, and there is no inter-bank settlement issue.

Minimum & Maximum Limit of RTGS and Charges

RTGS Timing

Minimum/Maximum Limit

RTGS Charges

Monday to Saturday (excluding 2nd, 4th Saturdays and bank holidays)

8 Am to 4 PM


Rs. 2 lakh

Up to 2 lakh

No charges


There is no maximum limit for RTGS done through the home branch. But if the RTGS is done via Net Banking then the maximum limit is Rs. 25 lakh per Customer ID

Rs. 2,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000

Rs. 25 + applicable tax

Above Rs. 5 Lakh

Rs. 50 + applicable tax


Immediate Payment Service (IMPS)

IMPS or Immediate Payment Service is one of the most convenient funds transferring modes. Through IMPS, the account holder can transfer and receive money even on bank holidays, including Sundays, without a hassle. Through IMPS, one can transfer funds to the account of the beneficiary within a few seconds.

Applicable IMPS Charges


IMPS Charge

Up to Rs. 1 to 1 lakh

Rs 5 + applicable GST

Above 1 lakh to 2 lakh

Rs. 15 + GST


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